Tiger Woods likes women, Tiger likes sex, Tiger likes sex a lot, Tiger is a bit of a pervert, Tiger let his desires get the best of him, Tiger made some mistakes. Tiger would agree with most everything that has been said about him and he is obviously embarrassed by the unveiling of his personal life.
Now that everyone has taken their shots at Tiger it is time to step back and put this story in perspective. There is not a man I know of who has not made a mistake, or two, or even a dozen, or more. Every man I know also makes his mistakes even though he knows in the back of his mind his mistake could destroy his family, ruin his reputation and embarrass his friends. With that being said can we be reasonable when it comes to Tiger and let him try to repair his relationship with his family in some privacy.
Tiger should be wealthy enough that he can take some time away from his career and concentrate on his family. However at some point he will want to return to golf, and we should welcome the most perfect part of Tiger Woods back to the game. Tiger Woods public persona is guilty of nothing more than disappointing his fan base, and those fans should be able to choose how much or how little they support him. Also Tiger should be able to market himself in whatever way he can in order to return to the golf sensation he once was.
We are all damaged human beings and we all should take some time to study the Bible and learn from its lessons of forgiveness. Those who continue to criticize Tiger or others, may find themselves navigating through a situation much like Tiger.