Sunday, January 11, 2009

Good times – Bad times

2008 closed with many wondering if 2009 would bring the great depression of our time. While the economy is terrible for most of us, could it be that these bad times may really become the good times of our lives.

Could bad economic news force us home to spend quality times with our families?

Could the bad economy give us a greater appreciation for the things we have?

Could the bad economy force corporations to examine their business model more closely and possibly improve it?

I am not trying to be overly opportunistic it is not in my nature to think positively. However I am pointing out that throughout history we have learned lessons from the times we live through. I am not panicked over our present day, although I am concerned. It is difficult to except change of any kind especially for me. However I am comforted by remembering stories of World War 2 and the Great Depression that were repeated by my elders as I was growing up. As a young person those stories annoyed, and bored me. Now as an adult I understand they were more than stories, they were lessons that I am glad I listened to.


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