Sunday, April 19, 2009

10 years after Columbine

Below is a link the a story from the Denver Post 10 years later, Columbine remembers
Stories by Kevin Simpson | Photos by Cyrus McCrimmon

I took the time to remember back to Columbine and from my memories came the question what has changed in the last 10 years. Sadly we have learned little and done even less to prevent tragedy's like Columbine. Some schools have taken measures to protect our children and those schools should be commended. Most though have done little but pay lip service to parents concerns over their child's safety while at school. Don't agree or believe me take a look at your child's school when at recess or ask to see an emergency evacuation plan, ask what happens in the event of a Bomb threat, spend some time around your neighborhood school and count how many times you see police patrolling the area. If you do all or even some of these things you will come to agree that most schools have done little to protect our kids from another Columbine. However if you still believe that schools are safe do a Google search of school shootings since Columbine and you will certainly come to agree that there is still a problem.
What is the solution, I don't know for sure but I have a few ideas just like most of you. I will share my thoughts with my son's school and I hope you will do the same.

1 comment:

RC said...

Woody, interesting and probably controversial thoughts.

I linked to your post on my most recent blog post becaues I think your opinion is valuable. I personally completly agree that schools should be safe, but also thinks that means that foster a sense of learning as well, some place that's comfortable.

I feel like teachers should focus on teaching and enriching the lives of their students more than focusing on warding off danger...that is the responsibility of the administration, and I have a sense that in most schools administration has taken school safety very seriously...while not trying to compromise the purpose of the enviornment.

Just my thoughts.